Categorizing your Twitter followers into lists takes little effort yet the benefits are ten fold. So why haven't you started?! For me the answer was simple, I just never knew how! Having worked with many clients, (from advising all the way to full content creation) I soon discovered that arranging followers into manageable lists helped focus my activities.
Here follows a step by step guide on how to create lists, both public and private.
Getting Started - Lists
Once you have logged into your Twitter account you will see the Lists option just below the 'What’s happening?' box (where you usually type your Tweets.)
Simply click on the List option and you should see the following:
Once you click on the Create a list option a window will pop up similar to the one below:
Begin by typing the name of your list e.g., family, social media experts, clients, friends etc into the List name box.
However, a word of warning: The name used in List name will become your list’s URL e.g.,
Even more importantly you will be asked if you want your list to be public or private. This is equally important.
What's the difference between public lists and private lists?
Public Lists – These lists can be seen by anyone and anyone can follow them. For example, public lists are ideal for recommended follows.
Private Lists – When Twitter says private, they mean private. Only the creator of private lists will be able to see or subscribe to them. Why would you do this I ask you cry…this list could be used to monitor your competitors activities on Twitter...and you wouldn't want them know to know this now would you?
So this is part one of Twitter Lists. Soon I will blog about the way you can utilize these lists to increase your productivity on Twitter.
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